Park Griffon provides for its visitors a menu to satisfy the hungry or not so hungry, big or small, sweet or savouryPicnic areasAn area has been set aside to allow you to sit in the shade around picnic tables.If you prefer, there are grassy areas throughout the park. Priority given to local fresh produceThe snack bar concentrates on the freshness of its produce and works with local...
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Because it is important to have fun and to laugh, you will find throughout your visit games for all ages !Games to impress you...... discover new experiences !A zip wire 30 metres long has been installed by the lake.Slips and fun guaranteed.Gor those who are competitive...... on your marks, get set, go !There is an inflatable slide 6 metres high with the other inflatables.Alongside, this great...
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Park Griffon offers you the opportunity to discover a variety of animals.For each species, a simple notice details the history of each of the animals that you will see : small ones, big ones, some from afar, those which you can cuddle...You will find all the animals on the map.From the very small to the bigger ones... pigeon peacocks : white like a dove, elegant like a peacock. It is a simple,...
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